Our Values
Whāia te mātauranga, hei oranga mō koutou.
Whāia te mātauranga, hei oranga mō koutou.
The mind is empowered by learning, never stop, as there is an endless amount of knowledge out there.
The mind is empowered by learning, never stop, as there is an endless amount of knowledge out there.
Our students are individuals with a strong cultural and whānau identity who are valued and contributing members of our community.
Our students are individuals with a strong cultural and whānau identity who are valued and contributing members of our community.
I am responsible. I show kaitiakitanga.
I am responsible. I show kaitiakitanga.
Hāpaitia te arā tika pūmau ai te raNgātiratanga me ngā uri whakatipu.
Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence, and growth for the future.
I am respectful. I show manaakitanga.
I am respectful. I show manaakitanga.
Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.
Care for the land, care for the people, and go forward.
I am resilient. I show aumangea.
I am resilient. I show aumangea.
Kaua e hoki i te waewae tūtuki, ā pā anō hei te ūpoko pakaru.
Do not turn back because of stumbling feet, but only for a broken head.
Urging people not to be deterred by obstacles, but rather to press ahead to the desired goal.